Thursday, November 17, 2005

Why Angels Can Fly?

I've seen white angels on my grave -
This image all my life I've craved;
I've lost my soul, I've tinned my heart,
My touch is from the earth apart.
I'm looking now, the angels fly -
For this I lived, for this I died;
A simple question is still tied,
Why not me, why angels can fly?

The Crazy Man with Crazy Hat

The crazy man with crazy hat
Was walking in the rain,
No thoughts, no tears to let,
All world looks the same.

A smile here, other there,
A spin - no time to fear;
Unworthy words try to bear
The smallest gesture of dear.

The crazy man with crazy hat
Believes in any drop of light;
He plays his game in every set -
No good, no bad, no right.

The Magic of a Prayer

      To an angel

Oh, my angel, unseen your face
Between Hell and Heaven's grace,
Untouched your soul in light of moon,
Unchained your heart across the doom,

Bless my soul and bless my fate,
Give me love, show me the gate,
Light may gloom around the age,
Take me from my darkest cage!

Breeze, here it comes! I feel its way...
I let her in, I let her stay;
I let my soul in light of May,
She teaches my heart to love - obey.

Now is peace, and may forever last;
There is no present, nor the past,
There is no time and felt no space
Just magic, beauty, charm and grace.

About a Poem

I used to dream about a poem
The poem that I'll never write,
It is about my soul, bohem,
About the lonely daily life...

How shall I start? How shall I end?
How shall I let the words pretend?
I walk around, around the age
So much love and so much rage.

Can you describe a life of man
In two verses, maybe ten?
The rhythm gentle, the rhyme may bounce
In a kindly sweet romantic nuance.

Would be so nice... Is just a dream!
My life is real I touch and feel,
And even if it makes me scream
I can not sell it for a bill.

Small things...

I woke up one morning and I refused all -
the blue of the Sky,
the coldness of Earth,
the Dark and the Light,
the Light and the Dark,
the breath of the Air
and even my Soul...

Why should I live? Why should I die?
Why all this happens to lye?!
Too many whys, too many things -
Couldn't be simpler than this?

Shouldn't be just... just you and me,
a piece of the sky,
a bit of the earth,
two blades of green,
and a flower in spin?

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Printre simboluri presarate
Pe-o pentagrama-n chip de cruce,
S-ascunde pururi o naframa
Ce o nadejde-n cer aduce.

De este Fiu, de este Tata,
In Duhul Sfant se intrupeaza;
O fila sortii inchinata,
Ca o scanteie ce vibreaza.

O simti plapanda pe aripe,
Dar poti sa zbori in zbor maiastru,
Si fericirea da s-adape,
Nascand in ceruri pui de astru.

Fara de chip, fara de vrere,
Mi se arata printre clipe;
E-un inceput fara-ncheiere
Visul de astru sa-nfiripe.

Despre iubire

dedicata unui nume din mare

Răpus de duhurile nopții,
Mă las în somnul cel de taină,
Când timpul pare pus pe șotii
Și viața-n șoapte cere vamă.

M-amuz, nu am nimic a face,
Privesc cum totul se destramă;
Clădesc ruinile-mi stângace,
Când val de val iubirea sfarmă.

De-aș fi poet în nemurire,
Să cânt iubirea-n strune dulci,
Să las amarul în izbavă,
Să se înalțe printre stânci.

Îmi sunt trist fără de vrere,
Și e păcat, culeg doar vânt;
De-aș fi sădit o adiere -
Să îmi fiu vrednic pe pământ.

Despre iubire - vers stangace

There is a saying, love created a few of the most beautiful poems and many of the worse of them. Here is my contribution to... the big size of web.

Se spune ca dragostea a dat nastere celor mai frumoase poezii dar si celor mai putin putin putin fumoase. Aceasta e contributia mea la... marimea internetului.

Despre iubire - vers stangace
dedicat unei nume din mare

M-am asezat sa scriu despre iubire,
Despre un vis ce nu a fost;
Tot ce stiu - ca e zidire
Unei lumi plina de rost.

S-a stins o stea in lumea noua,
Pecetea s-a lasat zabava;
Udata de un fir de roua,
Cand piere a iubirii slava.

Incep sa cred ca vantul ma blastama,
Ca cerul mi-e potrivnic printre nori;
Dar am macar aceeasi flama,
Ce m-a salvat de-atatea ori.

Ma las cuprins de deznadejde,
Privesc pierdut in ape adanci;
Si simt cum timpul plamadeste -
Un biet hoinar rapus de stanci.

Cand te gandesti ca tot e joaca-
Ulciorul se mai varsa uneori;
Si suferinta da sa-mi placa,
Doar am avut-o-n cale atatea ori.

De ce ma clatin printre stele
Cand pot zbura unde voiesc?
Deci las in urma ganduri grele -
Destinul sa imi implinesc.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Vers de vis

De-as scrie-un vers in fir de vant
De la cer pan'la pamant,
L-as scrie-n zori in dor de vis
Cu lacrimi dulci din paradis.

De-ar fi sa beau nectarul unui nor
Sa-l prind din zari in frantu-mi zbor,
L-as bea incet ca sa ma-mbat
Pe-un curcubeu sa ma desfat.

De te-as iubi cum n-am iubit
As face-o doara-n asfintit,
Sa te alint cu viers de stele
In foc nebun de dalbe Iele.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Shade of Blue

Unshaped the sky in drop of rains
Between roses arised in lanes,
Between the sounds of deepest love
Raised from the touch of silky dove.

Trough every shade of light of blue
I'm searching for the soul of due,
From morning through the deepest night
To find the love of peaceful light.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Adormiti pe caldaramul pustiu
Se-ntrec in soapte pasi-mi
Pasi, pasi pana-n tarziu -
Se scalda-n lacrimi.

Se mai aude-un sunet sec
Ivit in pragul noptii,
De lacrimi parca ma innec -
Este doar glasul sortii.

M-amuz in ceruri fara pas;
Hohote de om nebun,
In suvoiul mortii ma revars -
Nimic rau, nimic bun...

E doar un joc fara sfarsit
Dar care nici... n-a inceput,
Ma simt confuz, chiar parasit -
Ce am avut si ce-am pierdut?!

In miscari fara contur
Imbrac in straie Universul
Ce pare acum un Tot matur -
Dar tot copil imi este viersul!

Suflu-n palme si-amagesc
Clipe trecute - o mie,
Le invelesc si le sadesc -
Sa iti ajunga tie.

Mai fac un pas,
Pamantu-i sterp, nisip, desert
E sufletul fara pripas -
Va fi al Negrului desert...

Alb si Negru laolalta
Paharul vremii il imbata
Si curg prin vene - ndata -
Intunericul lumina cata.

O tabla-n opturi patratita -
Un bob de grau ii duce dorul.
Doi jucatori prinsi de ispita -
'Si-mpart amorul.

Si ma-ntrebati de ce imi rad
In barba fara de pasare;
O bieti copii, cand eu surad -
O fac in lacrime amare...

Intr-un tarziu

Intr-un tarziu ploaia a-nceput sa cada
Luand in asalt intreaga strada,
Acoperisurile urmara,
Si asta tarziu, in seara.

Intr-un tarziu luna coboara
Asa lin, asa clara;
Strabate usor bolta cereasca
De tine dand sa-mi aminteasca.

Intr-un tarziu m-apuca dorul
Dorul de mine,de tine; ulciorul...
Se varsa in apa de ploaie
Natura-mi se trezeste greoaie

Si-ncep a striga in ceruri,
Si-n cele din urma eteruri
Iubirea-mi ce moarta
Invie fara de soarta.

Si-ncep a iubi o fantasma,
Adulmec incet o mireasma-
Parfumul ce-ar trebui sa fie...
Al tau, de-ai fi vie...

Intr-un tarziu soarele-nalta,
Razele-mi scanteie-n fata;
Lacrima eterul coboara
Si nu intaia oara...

Intr-un tarziu vantul adie
In dimineata-mi tarzie,
Cuprinde in valuri zarea
Ca apoi sa-mi ia visarea...


Am scris pe-un fir de iarba nemurire
Ivita din lacrima pierduta anume
Am strans-o-palma pana ce-n uimire
Inima a strigat fara de nume...

Mi-am zis ca as putea zidi
Din lacrima-mi chiar Universul
In umbra unei papadii,
Schimbandu-mi viata, sensul...

Dimineata asterne roua peste clipe
Cand soarele sculat pesemne
Da voalul unui nor peaproape -
O fila din viata-i sa insemne.

Cu o miscare in eter
Insemn trecerea-mi prin viata
Privesc la lacrima cum sa agata
De aer, imi sunt stingher.

Zambesc, un fluture in mici ocoale
Tremura din aripioare
Ii simt vibratia in cale
Il vad zburand spre soare

Acum trei degete deasupra
Arunca zeul foc si para
La norii ce ii vin asupra -
Sageti din cer in vant coboara.

Spumega cerul, urla padurea
In umeda iarba imi las capul
Primind botezul, izbavirea


Suspenda timpul intr-o clipa
Suspenda gandul in tacere
Cand lumina ti se pierde
In vibratii fara vrere.

Inneaca timpul intr-o clipa
Inneaca gandul in tacere
Si vei face-atunci avere.

Priveste timpul intr-o clipa
Priveste gandul in tacere...

Jefuitori de morminte

Imi jefuiesc mormantul,
ca vulturii-s la prada
cei ce in parada
nu-mi vor crede gandul.

Ma jefuiesc de oase
Albite-n necuvinte,
Cand vorbele pioase
Devin doar oseminte.

Ma-ngroapa in tacere
Plansul de-a fi-n murire,
Fara de-a mea vrere
Pasind din nemurire.

Pasesc pe frunze moarte,
Mormantul mi-e aproape;
Dar multe ne desparte,
Si greu mai e pamantul...


Pe lespede funerara
Imi scris-am epitaful
Din viata mea amara,
Cand s-a lasat cearceaful:

Aici se odihneste
Jefuitorul de cuvinte,
Cel ce se mai numeste
Jefuitorul de morminte.


Se alina salcia in vant
De la cer pan'la pamant,
De plange tainic al meu dor -
As vrea sa fiu, sa mor.

Imi suna frunza in auz
Plecat in stol de cucuruz,
De ochii mei mi te ascund -
Nici ca te vad, ca te aud.


Din fiinta in nefiinta,
Din ignoranta in trebuinta,
Din stiinta in nestiinta,
Mi se coboara si se inalta,
Umila in propria-I aroganta-
O iluzie dospind a speranta
Se pierde regasindu-se-n ceata,
De tine se desprinde, se agata.


E vara, e cald, e iarna, e frig-
Numele tau intr-una il strig,
E zi, e noapte, e soare, e luna -
Chipu-ti din cer si mare se-aduna.

De schimb cuvinte in necuvinte
Unitate si chaos sa-mi reprezinte,
Le schimb in lumina si intuneric -
Forma si vid apar in viata generic.

Eternitate si clipa, durere ferice,
Iubire si ura tie templu ridice;
Iluzii, sperante uitate in vina
Din fiinta-n nefiinta dand sa imi vina.


Pe vreascuri trosninde-n valvataia mortii
Se-ngroapa euforic pasi-mi,
Gustand acea mocirla ce sta in umbra noptii
Pasesc adanc, pana la lacrimi;
Gem sub pasii mei frunze demult moarte -
Toate-s aici, eu mi-s departe.

Prin ganduri ce-mi vin ca in cascade
Trec pasii tai iubita ce-am avut;
Viata imi pare o gluma in sarade,
Tot ce-am avut odata in noapte s-a pierdut.

Innot in ceata densa din iadul de afara,
Puternic scanceste vantul in furie straina-
Strain si mort mi-e tot ce ma-nconjoara;
Puternic mi-este dorul, iubirea far'de vina
Ce geme-n mine parca si se-aprinde
Cand inima-mi ca nuferi se inchide.

Joc in noapte

Cerul si marea ineaca gandul,
In nemiscare ingroapa pamantul,
Stele mute - licurici in noapte,
Vantul si noaptea se transpun in soapte.

Unde voioase imi cutreiera gandul,
Singur cutreier si eu pamantul...
Stau ingandurat privind la noapte -
Nimic altceva - aceleasi soapte...

File de poveste

Joc de cuvinte spuse in graba,
Gandul mereu inima-ntreaba:
De ce-ai plecat din gandurile mele,
De s-au ascuns - unde mi-s ele?!

Ma joc alene in nemiscare,
Nimic pe cerul pierdut in zare,
Doar un cuvant ivit fara de vrere
Din lunga tristete in scurta tacere.

File de viata se rup zgomotoase,
De timp si soare fiindu-mi roase;
Un fir de lumina se-ncumeta a trece
Din dura durere ce nu vrea sa plece.

E zi, e seara, e noapte, e vara -
Dimineata nu vrea s-apara,
E cald, e lumina, e-ntuneric, e rece -
Gandul hoinar se-mparte in zece.


Ma-ntampina zilnic inimi de gheata-
A lor privire sufletu-mi ingheata,
Trec nepasatori pe strazile murdare,
Si ele moarte de recea nepasare.

Ma plimb printre jaloane presarate
Pe sumbrele strazi ce mi-s acum pavate
Cu sperante frante, inimi zdrobite
De dorinte scumpe ramase ne-mplinite.

Doar felinare slabe ivite din trecut
Mai lumineaza jalnic al strazilor tumult,
Reclame zgomotoase imprastie iluzii,
Tot se transforma-n scumpe deziluzii.

Voaluri diafane te indeamna la placere -
Trupuri slinoase lasate la vedere,
In cersatori mizeri mi se masoara strada,
In hoti si in nemernici cautandu-si prada.

Odata cu-ntunericul lasat pe bulevarde
Care mai iese acum afara se-ncearca in bravade,
Doar luna in naframa straluce undeva
Sporind in grea masura dorul ivit cuiva.


Ma joc. Cuvintele-s nebune,
Acordu-i disonant as spune;
Imi sfredelesc genunea.

Ma-nnec acum, apoi, totuna.
Betie, groaza de cuvinte,
Si de murire-n necuvinte;
Dar nu conteaz-as spune -
Caci totul e genune...

The Stranger

It's strange to be a stranger,
The world don't fits,
Is not even in its needs;
He is a shadow from the dark
Sometimes just walking in a park
No trace, no space, no time
It's not worth a dime.


When the moon walks on your shoulder
Sometimes a ray remains much longer,
It steps solemn, like in a temple -
It ends its life just to contemple…

When a drop just touch your skin
Feels your soul, diverts akin
With every pore I felt or feel;
My heart is charmed, you are the seal.

With every gesture of the time
I feel the life, I feel the rhyme;
The Universe it seems so small -
How much I love?! It's above all...

With every breeze the winds caress,
Spent in your hair is more assessed;
So soft… my hand in it forever rests
And play and rests and plays and rests…

You are with me, what can I say?
For me your wish is just obey -
No time, no space, no wind, no place
Describes your beauty, charm and grace.

Monday, November 07, 2005


I'd like to dance in rainy still -
To feel and feel and fill,
To dream the love and to fulfill
The endless life in rainy still…

I'd like to close the eyes in sun,
To catch the stars and run and run,
To feel the life has just begun
In yellow ears of the sun.

I'd like to swim against the clouds -
To feel the drops in skins abodes,
The river grows, the see abides
The lonely thoughts that loads the roads.

Behind the Doors

Behind the doors the crowd asleep,
I hear its roar, I hear its weep;
Shadows are dancing in the night,
All is dressed in black and never white.

Behind the doors there is no life,
The Time is groom and Death its wife;
There's no start, there's no end,
We come from land, return to land.

Behind the doors I stay alive
My soul in chains but I strive;
I hear my breath, the die is still
I take my faith and kneel.

Seven Days - Creation

First day
I took a minute to see the sky,
To catch the catcher in the rye;
I took two seconds from the past
To see that good and evil last.

Second day
I've made my world, I've made my time
So good and evil now may rhyme;
I sunk my soul, I let it shy,
I brought the life, I brought the die.

Third day
I made the apple, I built the sin,
Invent the words with a no mean,
I sized the truth and so its depth,
The justice blind, its sound is deaf.

Fourth day
I thrown my heart and love arises,
In its own beauty grows and rises -
I kept the hate to keep in balance,
I let the soul to dark and glance.

Fifth day
I shown my face, the crowd is slave-
Its soul is caught in mystic rave,
I've got the power, I am the God,
I keep the rules in number odd.

Sixth day
I sing my song, all is divine -
A storm caught in a glass of wine,
I drink its sap, I throw the seeds
To fill the world with all its needs.

Seventh day
I take a rest, now I could die
Where wild roses seemly lie,
I made my grave and I could sleep
Without tears, with heaven's weep.

A Game

I played a game - I made the world,
And all this from a ticket sold;
Was old and useless, thus I thought -
I sell white pages you have bought.

I make the cards, I'm laughing too,
A fact - I've nothing else to do,
I make a joke, I make a spin -
The virtue now is again sin.

I rule the world, I am the master,
From beauty I could take disaster,
I throw a dice, your life -you stay
In hell from the Milky Way.

I see your thoughts, all I can buy
With just a simple view of sky;
Lots of questions, answers - none,
Death is useless, life in van...

Now you can go and take your run!
You are not even on your ground…
I make a gesture and life is end,
With its moments I meant to lend.


I've seen the beauty thus may speak
In my humble way of seek,
I've seen the beauty under sky -
For this I could kill, I die...

I've kissed its toes in esteem way,
The whole world mist in a word could stay;
I've touched her face, I felt her heart
From the end and from the start.

I've breathed its air and I still do,
I steal its moments, I return them too;
I felt inside, I touch outside
While white horses I can ride.


A riddle comes from no where’s land,
From last words that have been send -
It's nothing old, is nothing new,
The only fact is: I love you!

Pray - Former Prophecy

Let the future come to me,
What should be and shall not be!
Oh my Lord - unknown your way
In my longest nights of pray.

Rest my head against the words,
Thoughts becoming icy swords;
Hands just wanting to fulfill
Fore coming threads in silent still.

Amazing lines describe the world
Nothing bought and nothing sold;
Empty forms forever last
From the end against the past.

Oh my Lord - give me the truth
From the portal of the youth;
Let the wisdom be my home
And the world my humble dome.

Spirit, trinity in one -
What shall be equals the gone
In a glass empty of wine
Or in nothingness of a dime.

I feel the wind, I feel the sun
When the seconds come and run,
Matter dancing all above
In the fire of old love.

More to say and more to pray
On the earth a second day!
Nature, bless me now - I'm blind,
Help me in my holy find...

Never Believe

Never believe in angels,
Never believe in love,
Never believe in strangers
Or in the sky above.


There's no time, there's no land,
There's no space you can pretend,
There's no light, there's no dark,
Just silence under bluest arch.

Verse without Title

I watched the moon so many times,
So I could find something that rhymes,
That touches my soul in every night-
Can be my guide, can be my light.

A music rich the heights above,
In every heart is bringing love,
The dance, the rhythm - old and new;
All this I wish, I should I knew.

Too many my, too many I
But who I am, whom do I lie?
What have I done so I pretend
The few notes came from a band!


I thought the mountain covers the hills
I thought the night is a place to fulfill
An illusion which comes from the real,
One step, another, the power of will.

I can dream with no sorrow,
I can touch, fill or borrow
Fire's innuendo in the rays of the sun
Just playin' the act of a silly dumb.

One more, another, just breath the air,
Create from the stars a verse of Homer.
Let the rhythm be gentle, be one with the wind,
Or just the blue-icy queen of the rink.

The madman with wrinkles is trying to ring,
So childish as beauty of spring;
The land of shadows is beginning to rise-
The keeper just throws the dice.

Shadows of Truth

Caught the mice in shadowed trap,
Looks its way to final lap
Tries to find the mighty way
Between lots of yes and nay.

Caught the mice, short live the cat
In its skin striped and fat,
Feared whiskers shiver and spin
In the skin of souls akin.

Touch of Night

I've touched the night in winter's day;
So cold, so warm the flake obeys,
The dance of nature flies away
In winter's music dances and stays.

Gently breathes, akin with me -
Hundred whirlwinds begin to grow
Bigger and bigger as much can be;
And then so quiet. Silence. Snow.

Hush-a-bye, hush-a-bye, unknown my name,
White and black caught in a frame;
Whom the winter now can blame?!
In winter's night we are the same...


I wish I could fly,
I wish I could die;
good and bad will take me high.

Black and white comes together in me -
that's what you get
that's what you see...


pe-un val de luna, semiluna,
chipul tau din zari se-aduna,
de prin veac si de departe
mii de ani in ceas strabate,
mii de versuri, necuvinte,
sentimente, juraminte.

pe un val de gand, iubire,
imi apari din amintire,
ca prin ceata mai aproape
te-nfiripi alin pe ape,
in contururi se-alinta
trupul tau firav de nimfa.

pe-un val de vant zburdand prin plete
iti strang trupu-n dor, cu sete,
simti cum inima tresara?
de ce oare bunaoara?
simti cum sufletul se-aprinde
dand prin ceruri sa colinde?

Critica la autocritica

unei poetese - critic

Multstimata domnisoara,
Pana mea este usoara,
Scrie vrute si nevrute,
Randuri slabe, randuri multe;

De conteaza, alb sau negru,
Gandul meu este integru,
El incearca o idee -
Nu se vrea o epopee.

V-a jignit a mea gandire,
Va cer scuze, in mahnire,
N-am cercat sa pun tipare
Pe tabloul din visare.

Dati verdicte si citate -
Poate ca aveti dreptate...
Sufletul va e departe,
Inima lipseste poate.

Imi puteti sa fiti minune,
Imi puteti sa fiti idee,
Sa intruchipati in Sine
Tot, albastra odisee,

Filosof de-ati fi in taina
Ati privi peste cuvinte -
Un cliseu e viata toata,
Lumea-i plina de morminte!

La doi pasi uitati de soare

Pe la noua inserate joaca luna sah cu-n nour -
E partida incitanta, stelele imi stau la sfada,
Cine bate, cine bate; o cometa-n avangarda
Captivata de partida mai sa dea peste un bour.

Mama, vantul ce vuieste printre piesele-nsirate,
Cantareste cu-o ochiada a capturii greutate -
Un nebun, o tura, dama, si-un pion in jocul rege
Pe doi cai si o regina - stie taina sa dezlege...

Norul muta, asistenta e-n admirare -
O mutare inspirata - a blocat doar Carul Mare,
Nu mai e chip de scapare, oare?
Luna se-oglindeste-n mare, parca fara de pasare.

A trecut dansa prin multe, multe-n timpuri nevazute!
Doar vazut-a cum Olimpii castigara-n inceputuri,
Cum un cal fara de veste peste Troia navaleste,
Cum planetele-n miscare pregatesc a sortii scuturi...

Se trezeste din visare, si apare o mutare -
O rocada peste timpuri cu un rege printre regi;
A scapat de data asta, lumea e in admirare -
Norul parca da-n turbare printre ropote intregi.

Cum? avea totul la mana, ce frumos putea sa fie...
Resemnat priveste totul prin lumina azurie,
Mai ofteaza printre picuri si apoi se potoleste
Lasand locu-i peste timpuri noii zi ce se trezeste.

Vis de vara

Privirea-ti e boema si zambetul maiastru
Si trupu-ti nud ca gandul;
Femeie din alabstru
Inchina-mi al tau suflet
Pe sufletu-mi sihastru!

Iti inchina-voi ode, voi inceta razboaie,
de vei lasa privirea-mi trupu-ti sa despoaie,
de vei lasa sanul de mana-mi sa se-ndoaie...

Privirea-mi e hulpava, necugetat e gandul,
Si inima-mi tresara cand nara adulmecanda
Iti simte-n zori parfumul...

Atata frumusete, atatea zari divine,
Eu sunt departe si gandu-i tot la tine;
Mi te privesc in noapte pana de ziua vine,

Mi te privesc in luna, in oglindiri de stele,
Masor spatiul aievea, fara un punct anume,
Cutrier timpul pe un creion cu vele,
Si mi te caut in lume,
Si mi te caut in stele...

Chanted Heart

A beautiful name, a beautiful girl,
No wonder her skin is a marvelous pearl -
She's smiling at me, I'm all petrified,
With just a blink she touched me inside.

What can I say or what can I do?
Is like a dream and is it so true...
I'm trying to move, falling apart,
Even since then from my soul is apart.

I'm trying to smile, no word I can say,
Unspeakable love waits no delay -
How can the words describe what I feel?
Locked is my heart and she is the seal.

Old Wine Verses

In two old wine glasses you can bear
All your luck and all dispear,
All the dreams came to a start
Playing in your life a part.

Look, the potion in your hand
How transformed in one night stand,
Maybe last or maybe first,
Depending on the daily thirst.

Feeling dizzy? Feeling cool?
Oh my friend, you are just a fool
If you think you can pretend
Nothing happened 'till the end!

Sweet dreams!

Sweet dreams my little friend,
Sweet dreams - the night has come;
Let your mind in new old land -
Plese comme in, please come.

Here angels have some fun -
All the day they fool around,
Nothing's crying to be done
Here's no top and neither ground.

Sweet dreams, just smile and grin,
Many children, please come in,
All is blue and all is green,
Is so nice to be herein.

Sweet dreams my little friend,
Sweet dreams - the night has come;
Let your soul in new old land
Plese comme in, please come.