
To change a life          
      write a book
To change a mind       
      write a haiku

   This is kind of personal bilingual journal of rhyming or less rhyming thoughts. I know for some isn’t much but these chunks of ideas represent something for me – a temporary refuge, a way of playing with words and ideas, a way of tuning my brain into another world, a way of finding freedom, an introspection of life, a way of making others think, an attempt of understanding the world around. From here comes the name of this blog, grasps, or (chunks of) understanding.

   There are mainly three types of posts:

1. More recently I started to write a variation of haikus, mainly in 5-7-5 structure. I preferred the structure of haikus because they attempt to compress a multitude of meanings in a minimum of words. There are shorter haikus, more encoded, though I had to find a midway between length (the number of syllables) and meaning.
   Haikus don’t have a name, though I named each of my posts. It’s easier thus for me to track the posts, even if some names repeat from time to time. Sometimes the names give a hint about the intentional meaning. In some haikus I tried to encode more than one can see at surface, though not sure how much I managed to do that.

2. Other lengthier posts are occasional verses, typically the posts starting with 2006.

3. The first posts, mainly in Romanian, are a selection made from what I wrote before starting this blog, poems from sheets of paper I managed to save over the years. Some of them were written during adolescence, though most of them were written later.
Some of them are childish, maybe having grammatical errors, though I let them the way they are to remind me of the past.

   In the end I hope you, the reader, managed to find a few interesting ideas on this blog. If not, the libraries are full of books, the internet is full of meaningful quotes and other material that I hope will quench your thirst…

   In either case I would like to thank you for your time!

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