Sunday, June 28, 2015


Birds of the sun
Fluid nectar

   Usually I use a 5-7-5 structure, though for a little contest I had to choose a simplified form of maximum 12-13 syllables. Not sure how many looked over the surface of it, or how many understood what I'm trying here to say. At least in this case I felt I have to give more information about the intended meaning.

   I used an imagine from nature to refer to something else. Here "fluid nectar" was supposed to make the reader question the apparent meaning of nectar. It's not the nectar of flowers that I'm referring to. Here fluid means continuity of action, observation, involving the one who observes.
As somebody pointed out, its use is maybe redundant, though also "sweet nectar" is used in some contexts.

   Birds of the sun or sunbirds are little red birds feeding on nectar. And again it's not about sunbirds but of thoughts of light, thoughts that change the way we think, maybe thoughts of enlightenment, thoughts that go beyond the rigid way of thinking, against the rules imposed by us or by others - and that's the meaning of trespassing.

   Why would somebody use "bird" to refer to "thoughts" (ideas)?! Sure, there are better "labels" than the birds, though thoughts like birds are just a transient appearance, we see just a small part of their flight through life, and that only when we are aware of their flight. Additionally they are free, in various colours, they jump a lot, many are attractive, others are not, they have different meanings, many rooted in our culture/beliefs. So are our thoughts.

   Why birds of the sun? The sun is the most powerful source of light we behold, it's the spiritual light. In spiritual imagistic (actually alchemy), the sun is esoterical symbol of the mind or intellect.

Apparent meaning: sunbirds trespassing our view while sitting in meditation, feeding on nectar while we derive repeatedly nectar from what we see, the haiku.

Intended meaning: thoughts trespassing our mental view (while sitting in meditation or meditating in movement), and us or our mind feeding on each chain of thoughts, extracting nectar in one way or another.

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